Beyond Rhetoric
Beyond Rhetoric

            The 2024 elections serve as a stark reminder of the immense influence wielded by Pakistan’s youth. While their frustration and desire for change are understandable, channeling these sentiments into constructive political engagement is crucial.

The onus lies not only on the youth but also on the established political class to embrace genuine dialogue, prioritize policy development, and demonstrate responsible leadership. Only then can Pakistan harness the potential of its young generation and navigate towards a brighter future. Let us move beyond the politics of division and embrace the power of collective action. Let our youth channel their energy into building a more prosperous and equitable Pakistan, for the benefit of all generations to come.

While their social media dominance grants them control over the narrative, it raises critical questions about the legitimacy of their tactics. Genuine political discourse, on the other hand, demands addressing concerns through established constitutional channels. Elections and their outcomes are sacred, and any grievances must be addressed within the framework of the law. While the courts deliberate, the government must remain focused on tackling the nation’s complex administrative challenges.

The desire for power often leads parties to prioritize political maneuvering over genuine governance. However, the current reality dictates a different approach. The current political climate presents two stark options: succumbing to populism and sensationalism, or demonstrating political maturity by tackling critical issues even at the expense of short-term popularity. It is crucial to remember that objections, regardless of their source, deserve proper channels of addressal. The state cannot afford to be paralyzed by the whims of a single party, especially when faced with multifaceted challenges such as the IMF negotiations, climate change, and an evolving geopolitical landscape.

The increased youth participation in the electoral process is a positive development. Their fresh ideas and reformist zeal are essential for challenging the status quo and pushing for positive change. However, effective change requires a functional system. Political activism on social media, while impactful, cannot replace the crucial role of governance within established institutions. The PTI’s formation of a government in KP, seemingly driven by a victimhood narrative rather than a concrete governance agenda, raises concerns about their long-term commitment to progress. While their tactics may yield short-term political gains, they ultimately harm the nation’s well-being.

Taking on the mantle of governance in the face of immense challenges and a populist opposition wielding social media as a weapon is no easy feat. However, the responsibility towards the electorate demands commitment to service delivery and effective problem-solving. The dust has settled on the 2024 elections, leaving behind a familiar sense of déjà vu. While the victors have claimed their prizes, a crucial lesson hangs heavy in the air: the Pakistani political landscape can no longer ignore the burgeoning force of Millennial. These young generations, constituting a significant demographic bulge, represent both an opportunity and a challenge for the nation’s future. Unlike Western democracies where post-election unity reigns supreme, Pakistan witnesses a troubling extension of political polarization fueled by youth frustration. This frustration manifests in a preference for rhetoric over policy, leading to a perpetual state of turmoil. Social media, with its catchy beats and viral content, becomes the breeding ground for this amplified unrest.
