QUETTA: The Chief Minister of Balochistan, Mir Sarfaraz Bugti, has stated that no group will be allowed to challenge the state’s authority. As the second phase of CPEC is about to begin, those who oppose it have suddenly decided to hold a gathering in Gwadar to sabotage it, which will not be permitted.

Challenges facing Pakistan demand a concerted effort from all political stakeholders to transcend narrow interests and prioritize the well-being of the nation. It is imperative for leaders to rise above the fray of partisan politics and work towards forging a path of unity, inclusivity, and sustainable development for the benefit of all citizens. Failure to heed this call to action may result in irreversible damage to the fabric of Pakistani society and the democratic ideals it upholds.

The road to peace in Balochistan is long and arduous. It will require patience, perseverance, and a steadfast commitment to dialogue and reconciliation. While the recent efforts by women leaders are a positive development, they must be complemented by a comprehensive strategy that addresses the underlying causes of the conflict. Only through a concerted and sustained effort can Balochistan hope to achieve lasting peace and stability.

Mir Sarfraz Bugti the Chief Minister of Balochistan has laid bare a stark reality that has been long overlooked: the crisis of governance in the province. His candid assessment of the situation is a wake up call for all stakeholders, from politicians to bureaucrats, civil society to the public at large.