Elections and the Question of Fairness
Elections and the Question of Fairness

The recent rejection of nomination papers for key figures like Imran Khan and Akhtar Mengal has cast a long, ominous shadow over Pakistan’s upcoming elections. The exclusion of the country’s largest party,

PTI, rises deeply concerning questions about the legitimacy and fairness of the democratic process. The grounds for rejection technicalities like undisclosed UAE residency feel particularly suspect when juxtaposed with reports of similar issues being overlooked for other candidates. This selective enforcement reeks of political manipulation, creating a dangerous perception of a rigged game where power dynamics take precedence over the will of the people. The potential consequences of this engineered outcome are alarming. A walk-over victory for PML-N, facilitated by the absence of their main rival, would represent a blatant subversion of the democratic spirit. It would be a bitter echo of 1997, where similar tactics handed them an undeserved victory. Though, the implications extend beyond PML-N’s immediate gain. The exclusion of BNP in Balochistan, a vocal critic of human rights violations and state excesses, further deepens the alienation of a historically marginalized region. Silencing dissent and curtailing political options in this volatile province is a recipe for disaster, potentially pushing peaceful avenues of engagement beyond reach.

The narrative of backroom deals and puppet governments fueled by powerful actors, including the establishment, casts a bleak shadow over the democratic future of Pakistan. This orchestrated scenario undermines the very essence of an election, replacing the ballot box with a stage play where winners are pre-determined. The potential consequences for Balochistan are particularly chilling. The historical precedent of Nawab Bugti’s alienation and subsequent insurgency serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of neglecting legitimate political voices. Pakistan stands at a crossroads. The upcoming elections could either pave the way for a genuine democratic process or solidify the grip of an undemocratic power structure. The international community must closely monitor this critical juncture and urge the Pakistani authorities to uphold the principles of transparency,

fairness, and inclusivity. The people of Pakistan deserve a leadership chosen through a free and fair electoral process, not one scripted by political machinations. The voices of dissent, even those deemed inconvenient, must be heard. Only then can Pakistan hope to emerge from the shadows of manipulated elections and forge a truly democratic future.
In a surprising turn of events, the rejection of nomination papers from prominent leaders and candidates, including Imran Khan and Akhtar Mengal, casts a shadow over the upcoming elections in Pakistan. Such exclusions raise critical concerns about the fairness and integrity of the democratic process in the country. The rejection of Imran Khan’s papers, the leader of the largest party in Pakistan, leaves one questioning the legitimacy of an election that excludes a major contender. The implications of such a decision are profound, as it suggests a potential “walk-over” for the PML-N, leaving its biggest rival, the PTI, out of the electoral picture. This echoes past instances where electoral outcomes were influenced by external forces, reminiscent of the controversial 1997 elections. A parallel situation unfolds in Balochistan, where Akhtar Mengal, leader of the BNP, faces rejection based on not disclosing his UAE residency in the returns. Interestingly, a significant portion of Pakistan’s politicians and Balochistan’s influential figures hold UAE residency. The selective targeting of Mengal raises questions about the motivations behind such exclusions and the impact on Balochistan’s political landscape.