Can Maulana bridge the divide?
Can Maulana bridge the divide?

    Maulana Rehman’s Afghan mission may not hold all the answers, but it serves as a vital bridge across troubled waters. Maulana Fazlur Rehman, the chief of JUI-F, recently embarked on a crucial diplomatic mission to Afghanistan. His primary objective: to persuade the Afghan Taliban to crack down on the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and prevent them from using Afghan soil as a springboard for anti-Pakistan activities. The visit, laden with both hope and skepticism, has sparked a flurry of questions about its potential effectiveness in stemming the tide of militancy.

By fostering dialogue and understanding, it opens the door to possibilities that were once shrouded in the mist of distrust. As both nations navigate the complexities of the post-Taliban era, it is imperative to remember that bridges, not walls, are the keys to unlocking a future of shared security and prosperity. Maulana Rehman’s arrival in Kabul was met with official fanfare, culminating in a meeting with the Islamic Emirate’s Prime Minister, Mullah Hassan Akhund. The timing of the visit couldn’t have been more poignant. As the Maulana sat down with Taliban leadership, news of a TTP attack on policemen escorting polio workers in Bajaur, Pakistan, reverberated across the border, leaving six officers martyred.

The meeting also addressed the sensitive issue of Afghan migrants’ expulsion from Pakistan, with Akhund expressing concerns over their alleged mistreatment. Maulana Fazl, accompanied by a high-level delegation, including Pakistan’s top diplomat in Kabul, underscored the official backing for his mission. Media reports suggest Mullah Akhund assured the JUI-F chief of his government’s goodwill towards Pakistan and pledged to prevent Afghan soil from being used against any nation. The Taliban’s assurances resonate with a familiar refrain. For years, they have vehemently denied harboring terrorist groups targeting regional states. Pakistan, on the other hand, has consistently pointed fingers at TTP safe havens across the Durand Line.

Maulana Rehman’s efforts, while commendable, raise inevitable questions about their lasting impact. In 2022, a delegation of Pakistani Deobandi ulema, led by Mufti Taqi Usmani, undertook a similar mission. They met both the Taliban and the TTP leadership, only to witness the TTP’s unabated violence against Pakistan upon their return. Even if Maulana Rehman succeeds in convincing the Taliban of the benefits of curbing militancy, the question remains: can Kabul truly control its ideological allies in the TTP? Both entities, while bound by shared ideology and worldview, operate as distinct organizations with independent leadership structures.

While the Taliban have the leverage to pressure the TTP, their ability to enforce compliance remains ambiguous. Not all militants adhere strictly to clerical diktats. Some may operate as autonomous actors, unbound by conventional norms of engagement. The coming days will be a crucial test of Maulana Rehman’s mission and its ability to translate lofty promises into tangible action. Maulana Rehman’s Afghan mission represents a crucial step towards fostering better relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan. It underscores the importance of dialogue and engagement in addressing shared security concerns. While the path to lasting peace may be fraught with challenges, open communication and a willingness to cooperate remain the cornerstones of a brighter future.

Moving forward, both nations must prioritize collaborative efforts to dismantle militant networks and address the root causes of extremism. Investing in socio-economic development, promoting cross-border trade and cultural exchange, and fostering mutual understanding can pave the way for a more peaceful and prosperous future for both Pakistan and Afghanistan.
