Poor Governance Proves Fatal
Poor Governance Proves Fatal

Human societies cannot survive without an effective governance mechanism. Perhaps this is the reasons why following theevolution of world into a global village, the international entities felt the need for even an international governing body that could regulate the inter-state affairs to ensure world peace and security and respond to the global calamities in the shape of United Nation’s Organisation (UNO) which has reduced suffering of humanity through its specialized agencies such as World Health Organisation (WHO), United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) and many others over the years. 

Human societies cannot survive without an effective governance mechanism. Perhaps this is the reasons why following theevolution of world into a global village, the international entities felt the need for even an international governing body that could regulate the inter-state affairs to ensure world peace and security and respond to the global calamities in the shape of United Nation’s Organisation (UNO) which has reduced suffering of humanity through its specialized agencies such as World Health Organisation (WHO), United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) and many others over the years.

The international body may have failed on many fronts in preempting the possibility of conflicts and wars, it has provided a semblance of order to the world.

States cannot prosper without a governance structure which is equally important at the domestic level and states have chosen for different forms of governments world over to ensure peace, security and possibilities of prosperity to their citizens within the structure of their respective governing bodies.

 There are parliamentary or presidential governments with unitary or federal state structures. These models have also been copied by the developing countries following the decolonization process in South Asia, Africa and elsewhere in the world but owing to poor governance structure and deep imprints of colonial rule over their administrative systems have impeded the process of development.

Many institutions in Pakistan are also riddled with this malaise of colonial imprints and hence having little compatibility withmeeting the needs of modern day welfare state which could provide security to the life, property and honour of the masses. The colonial rules formed during the British Raj were not aimed at creating ease for the local populations. They were rather created to make arrangements to tighten the hold of British government over the local populations, keep them under developed, kill their cognitive abilities and impart them such a knowledge which was only necessary for meeting as trivial tasks as that of clerks.

 Modern state administrative machineries workon private sector dynamics where the masses are deemed as consumers of services of state and officers have been replaced by managers. The entire services of the states have been put online, only a click away from the reach of the masses. All the development funds being released for the development works are under real-time online monitoring. Hence, the digital technology has been put for the service of the masses round the clock. The positive result of such managerial administrative setups have made the governments efficient, responsive, sensitive to the needs of the masses and quick.

Whereas Pakistan still reels under the archaic colonial rules and governance modal which was created to essentially benefit a particular class and let others languish under poverty and frustration. This is what happening every day in Pakistan where life, property and honour of no citizen is safe and everyone remains under constant risk of a violent death any time. The Government needs to mend its way to improve governance if it desires longevity and integrity of the state or else revolutions are by products of such chronic injustices and history is the best witness to it.