Solid waste in Quetta
Solid waste in Quetta
Gulrang Kakar

One of the consequences of the global urbanization is increasing volumes of solid waste. Unlike other developing countries, Pakistan lacks waste management infrastructure, creating serious environmental problems. Most municipal waste is either burned, dumped or buried on vacant lots, threatening the health and welfare of the general population.

One of the consequences of the global urbanization is increasing volumes of solid waste. Unlike other developing countries, Pakistan lacks waste management infrastructure, creating serious environmental problems. Most municipal waste is either burned, dumped or buried on vacant lots, threatening the health and welfare of the general population.

The Government of Pakistan (GOP) estimates that 87,000 tons of solid waste is generated per day, mostly from major metropolitan areas. All major cities face enormous challenges on how to manage urban waste. Bureaucratic hurdles, lack of urban planning, inadequate waste management equipment, and low public awareness contribute to the problem.

Solid waste management is the discipline associated with the control of generation storage collection transferring, processing and disposal f municipal solid waste and sustainable solid waste management in way governed by the best principal of public health, economics and environmental consideration. The municipalities lack the financial resources and skill needs to cope with this crisis.

Treatment and disposal technologies such as sanitary and land filling composting and incarcerations are comparatively in Pakistan. In present there is no land fill regulation and standards that provide a basis for compliance and monitoring but national guidelines for these standards are being prepared. By the consultant under (NEAP) National Environmental Action Plan. Quetta is the city of Balochistan does lack many facilities encloses of waste collection and management.

A simple and obvious choice is to cut back on the amount of waste by using and throughout less in the first place. Packaging should be minimal. Its production should be environmentally clean. And it should be made up material that can be reuse and recycle rapidly.

Some packaging is purposely elaborate to make the content more attractive cosmetic are notorious for this. Smart buyers can

support the use of environmentally friendly packaging by purchasing product with minimal recycle work, and it soon does several ways. It reduces the monetary and environmental cost of land filling and incineration. It substitute use materials for virgin materials, it create job in the province.