How limited resources affect  quality education in Balochistan
How limited resources affect quality education in Balochistan
Haleem Baloch

Education is very important for everyone therefore it is very hard to imagine a prosperous and educated world without schools or educational institutions. The importance of education in our life is a well-known fact. The value of schools, colleges and universities prove the reality that they play a great role in success of individuals and communities. Thus, education provides better changes in life to always go ahead and easy ways in life to get success.

Education is very important for everyone therefore it is very hard to imagine a prosperous and educated world without schools or educational institutions. The importance of education in our life is a well-known fact. The value of schools, colleges and universities prove the reality that they play a great role in success of individuals and communities. Thus, education provides better changes in life to always go ahead and easy ways in life to get success.

Getting education is necessary for every man and woman. It is our right but in these limited resources we ca not get proper and quality education in Balochistan since the available facilities at schools and colleges are not enough. The lacking consists of teachers, books, furniture, science laboratories, libraries and other essential ones.
The population in Balochistan is increasing day by day. On the one hand if the school are small or have not enough rooms on the other hand they also don’t have teaching staff. These are the basic matters which double the damaging effects on education in Balochistan. Lack of furniture, no drinking water and shortage of toilets are some of the common issues in the education sector in Balochistan which mark absenteeism of the students in Balochistan.

It is undeniable fact that the strength of students grows day by day but number of teachers remains very low. This issue is not only confronted in villages but also in the big cities of Balochistan. Due to the lack of teachers and classrooms in the schools’ teachers have to run classes with more than 50 students whereas a class with high number of students can never be a productive.

Dearth of subject specialists, mainly of science and mathematics is one of the most affecting factors in middle, high and college level classes in Balochistan. Therefore, the irrelevant teachers are forced to teach science and mathematics subjects which causes poor quality of education. Though students get degrees, they have no commands on the subjects.
It is need of the time that government and concerned officials should pay due attention to the burning issues of education and ensure quality schooling by providing required facilities and overcoming lack of educational staff.