Whether Ban on PUBG Is A Right Decision?
Whether Ban on PUBG Is A Right Decision?
Shaik Badini

There are diverse games that thrill youngsters who voraciously spend many hours daily to play on mobile after downloading it from play store. Games are good to play in fact a recent research shows that playing games is essential to lower tension and handle anxiety.

Games also sharpen the brain and help improve mood. Evidently a game is a game whether it is played on a mobile like PUBG or physically somewhere and can have a constructive and productive change on children and youngsters unless the frequency of doing it leads to an addiction and self-destruction.

It is known that PUBG (Players Unidentified Battle Ground) was designed and developed by a Korean gaming company named Bluehole for Desktop. As PUBG hit its big up on PC, Tencent noticed and showed a lot of interest in this rising game, so they communicated and cooperated with Bluehole to get the permission and copyright of making a PUBG mobile game officially. PUBG was predictably launched as a mobile game like every other game played on mobile just for the purposes that games retain but it would drag youngsters to do cybercrime such as hacking and lead to depression to commit the atrocious act as suicide were never thought or imagined.

A teenager recently committed suicide due to PUBG. He was a PUGB addict, said his brother while talking to the media. The Express Tribune confirmed that this was the 3rd suicide that a teenager committed owing to not achieving a level on PUBG.

The other negative impact that PUBG has created for years is that it has compelled parents to provide their child expensive phones, high speed Wi-Fi or data packages and has made them waste hours playing it. What can be more dangerous and destructive than a thing that makes a youngster forget the purpose of his life especially when he/she is at the age of his/her life changing phase. The age in which a child is supposed to work hard for making a better career, at that age he is provided with luxuries and comforts that are unfortunately spoiling them. It is true that nothing can be harmful as long as it is done with certain limitations. There is none denying the fact that parents commit many mistakes at the expanse of well grooming their Children. Similarly, parents are highly responsible for giving any device to children or permission to do an activity that is highly destructive.

The game has been banned in Pakistan temporarily by the orders of the Punjab High Court due to recent suicides. It has been made clear that the game known as PUBG has ruined many youngsters and is spoiling the youth.

According to resources, there is a web portal through which anyone can send messages to the Govt. to share their opinion on whether the game should be banned forever or not.

There seems only one solution and that is to ban it forever here in Pakistan. It is because youngsters are unstoppable In terms of playing the game.

It should be made clear that If it is not banned it would harm many more and the cases would be perhaps extreme all the time.